How to enrich your Boolean searches in bulk - in a jiffy!


The Swordfish Chrome Extension has a built-in Boolean Search generator. It allows you to easily create a Boolean search without fumbling around with syntax. Just fill in the different fields and hit the "Create Search" button. 



What you'll need:



  2. Swordfish Chrome Extension installed on your chrome browser.

and most importantly.....

A dose of excitement







Let's begin!

Step 1: Create a Boolean search

The Boolean Search feature can be reached by clicking on the 3-dot button on the extension. This will take you to the extension's features tab.


Click the "Boolean Search" link and see how the extension changes for you to input the details of the Boolean search.


Step 2: Input your search

The Boolean search tab will include the following fields for you to choose and input:

  • Social Profile - Linkedin is default but Twitter is also available.

  • Country - US is default but any other country is available.

  • Job Title - Input any phrase or terms you would like to search by

  • Location or Keywords to include - A second phrase or terms you would like to search by which will narrow down the results.

  • Keywords to exclude - Any keywords that you do not want to be included in the results.

  • Education - You can select a degree from the list. 

  • Current employer - Should be added if you are seeking people who currently work at a specific company.

Now just click the "Create Boolean Search" button and watch the magic



Step 3: Select the people you want to get contact info for

The Google results page of the Boolean search will contain a list of social URLs. As the Swordfish extension can identify multiple social profile URLs on any web page, it will also identify all the social URLs on the Google results page.


Any identified social URL will then be shown on the extension for you to select if you want them to be searched or not.


You will also be able to select the data you need (AKA your 'must-have') and the Swordfish list you want the results to be saved to.


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Happy fishing!